Wednesday, January 12, 2022 1:20PM IST (7:50AM GMT)““Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India“Digital marketing firm, DigitalBerge launches a range of affordable packages involving SEO, social media marketing, PPC, and more, making custom options accessible to start-ups, small and mid-level businesses.“““““Digital marketing firm, DigitalBerge launches a range of affordable packages involving SEO, social media marketing, PPC, and more, making custom options accessible to start-ups, small and mid-level businesses.““New Year’s gift to businesses seeking reasonably priced digital marketing service! DigitalBerge launches a series of customizable digital marketing packages for businesses at affordable rates. Being inexpensive, these freshly launched services of the digital marketing company presents a lucrative opportunity for new and small businesses with budgetary constraints to accessing the resources required to digitize their offerings.““Speaking of this recent launch, a company spokesperson commented, “The COVID pandemic has increased the importance and relevance of digital services. If you are a business owner, then relying on the traditional marketing avenues is no longer enough, given the restrictions of the new normal. You need to launch an app, if not then at least a website to ensure that you can reach out to your target audience and offer your products and services through a digital platform. Digital marketing is how you maintain continuity of your business and its growth in 2022 and in the years to come.” ““He also added, “Sadly, not every business owner has the financial stability to avail such digital solutions. That’s why we came up with the idea of launching standard digital marketing services that would make it accessible and affordable. We assure you even though the prices are curtailed there is no compromise with the quality of our dedication to offering you the best service.”““The digital marketing services by DigitalBerge include the standard SEO and content marketing services as well as PPC, paid advertising, e-commerce optimization, Amazon store optimization, and more, but all at reasonable rates. They have a dedicated team of consultants, digital marketers, SEO strategists, content writers, and tech experts who offer all-around support both during and even after the deployment of the project. |