Mumbai, Maharashtra, India: Ballantine’s has joined hands with TED to bring to life the 11th edition of TEDxGateway, a one of a kind platform for thinkers and pathbreakers. Ballantine’s as a brand is an undisputed challenger of the stereotype. Unswayed by trends, it has been the hallmark of resolute will since 1827. Unlike any other, its spirit of undying passion resonates with the new corporate tribe who have been bold with their decisions, stayed true to their passions and do not yield to the glitches their atypical world throws at them.
With TEDxGateway the idea remains to inspire and develop such values in more individuals and instill the Ballantine’s way of life. With the theme of the event being ‘Ideas worth Spreading’, the speakers will narrate their stories to inspire and motivate the 5500+ attendees gracing the event.
This year’s TEDxGateway would provide a stage to more than twenty intellectuals from various fields that includes the likes of Richard Bona and Bruce Friedrich among others who have stayed true to their passion against all odds to carve out a nice for themselves. This exhilarating lineup is set to stimulate the audience with their extraordinary zeal and enthralling stories.
Commenting on the association, Mr. Kartik Mohindra, CMO, Pernod Ricard India says, “Innovation and inventions have always ridden on the backs of the undone. And an unorthodox way of seeing. A belief celebrated by both Ballantine’s and TEDxGateway. Ballantine’s raises a toast to those who’ve walked the untrodden and stayed true to the spirit of the unconventional. It couldn’t be a more perfect association.”
Commenting on TEDxGateway Feb 2020, Yashraj Akashi, Senior Ambassador and Curator, TEDxGateway in India said, “Both Ballantine’s and TEDx are bringing Pathbreakers into limelight. People with great sense of self belief and self worth. Undistracted by the naysayers. They stay true to what they believe in. These are people who take setbacks as stepping stones for greater success. They are outliers, they have an eternal hunger for the unseen and the unknown.
Setting foot into the 11th edition, we are confident that this year TEDxGateway will further strengthen its connect with its audiences and setting a benchmark for years to come,” he added.
Started in 2010, TEDxGateway is an independently organized TED event that aims to encourage out of the box thinking in various fields. The event is scheduled for 23rd February 2020 at the DOME @ NSCI Mumbai.