Bangalore, Dec 24 ) Actor Rakshika Shetty launched a ‘Bangalore Arts and Craft Fair’ at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishad on Christmas and New Year to provide a perfect market for handicrafts men from different parts of the country .“
The fair will go on until January 2, 2022.“The exhibition and sale of handicrafts is held from 11 am to 7 pm at the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishad premises and is free.
“Actress and model Rakshika Shetty, said: The fair, which will be held on Friday, wil go on until 2 January.“The fair draws handmade items, various saris and various kinds of jewelery.“The festival is special for Christmas and New Year’s Eve.Along with the decorations for Christmas and New Year’s Celebration, the household can buy clothes and accessories. There are more than 80 shops and artists from all over the country will showcase their art.
The artworks and products of artists from different corners of the country are directly reaching the public.“The event will feature products from various parts of the country, including handicrafts, toys and apparel that will benefit the people of the capital, Bangalore. Hundreds of products including home decorations, handlooms, handicrafts, clothing, wooden toys, jewelery, bed linen, artwork, furniture, mats, porcelain items for the benefit of the hegemony are on display.