Bengaluru, Aug 26: In an unprecedented turn of events, players’ participation in the Grand Prix Badminton league had been met with immense resistance, through tactics that sought to instil fear and alarm. While the High Court of Karnataka’s order explicitly permitted players to play in the League, the players faced pressure and intimidation tactics from the Badminton Association of India. Keeping the best interests of the players in mind, the Season 2 of GPBL was postponed by the promoters of the League.
GPBL resolutely stood alongside the players and reaffirmed its commitment to their rights and aspirations in the face of recent challenges. While BAI threatened players with dire consequences, GPBL remained steadfast in its dedication to player welfare and the spirit of fair competition.
GPBL strongly condemned any attempts to curtail players’ rights or intimidate them into compliance. The League reiterated its unwavering stance in support of the players’ right to exercise their fundamental rights and participate in events that contribute to their growth and development as athletes.
Prashanth Reddy, Commissioner GPBL, said: “It is a sad day not only for badminton but for sports in India in general. The essence of sports lies in fairness, competition, and the empowerment of athletes. We stand by the players who had chosen to be part of GPBL, respecting their right to make decisions that align with their aspirations. It is essential to foster an environment where players feel supported and empowered to pursue their dreams without fear of repercussions.”
On the various circulars issued by BAI, Prashanth said, “Threatening the players with dire consequences even after the various orders of the court is very brazen. There is not much we can do when the orders of the High Court are violated with scant regard by the very body that is responsible for growth and development of Badminton.”
“Despite the support of more than 50% of the players who still wanted to take part and the team owners forgoing the Rs 1 crore prize money, we didn’t want the players to play with a sword hanging over their necks. It is unfortunate that the players would be losing out on the monies that would have helped them train and take care of their expenses,” said Prashanth.
Arvind Bhat, the League Director who was also present, reiterated the benefits of the league which was in favour of the players. “Apart from giving them a huge exposure, leagues give the players a chance to rub shoulders with the best players from across the world and learn techniques to reach the top,” said the former National champion and winner of many international events.
“Although our attempts to reach out to BAI thus far have proved futile, we will keep making efforts to reach out to them and find a way to work together. Though it is a big blow at the moment, GPBL Season 2 is only postponed for the moment, and will be back bigger, and grander soon.” said Prashanth.