Forbidden Love
Title: Immortal Magic – Forbidden Love
Author: B.J. Fournier
Immortal Magic -Forbidden Love
School’s back in session. What better time to explore a new epic fantasy series about a young love that develops between a witch and a vampire?
Inspired by a full-time, single father’s desire to provide for his daughter, along with his deep interest and interpretation of the wizarding and vampire worlds. His love for his local community has this epic fantasy littered with recognizable scenery for the MA/RI native. It takes you on a journey that unfolds the realities, doubts, questions, and choices young people of this day and age must face and marries it together with the passion and submersion of the very real, very true vampire and wizarding worlds.
The first book of a series –
Danny Wilmington uncovers a dark and deeply rooted secret while learning of a plot to eliminate the vampires from the wizarding world. He and his friends must decipher the clues to a much greater demise of the two worlds. His older sister, Amber Wilmington, is forced to make a decision that may very well tear these same worlds apart as a forbidden romance develops between her and a vampire, Bobby Jennings.
This first book of a series takes place in Sacrum Valley, a secret magical town in Little Compton, Rhode Island. It introduces the reader to the lives of two worlds and the conflict it beckons when worlds collide.
Teen & Young Adult / Paranormal Romance audience.
Immortal Magic – Forbidden Love is published by Amazon KDP. Paperback: $14.95 – Kindle digital $3.99
ISBN 978-1689827485 Will be available on Amazon, kindle and other popular bookstores.