The Additional Commissionerate of Income Tax, TDS Range-3, Chennai, under the able guidance of Sh.M Arjun Manic, IRS, Additional Commissioner of Income Tax, TDS Range-3, Chennai conducted Income Tax-TDS Awareness Program on 29-01-2024 (Monday) for the benefit of Income-tax deductors of Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board (TNUHDB) at their office premises at No.5, Kamarajar Salai, Chennai – 600005.
. C Baskar, Financial Advisor, TNUHDB delivered Welcome Address.
. R Rajamanohar, IRS, Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax, TDS Circle 3(1), Chennai delivered Keynote Address. During his address, he stressed the absolute requirement of income-tax deduction on all appropriate financial transactions in an effective manner, deposit of TDS dues into the Central Government account intime, filing of quarterly TDS/TCS statements within the stipulated time, issue of certificates in the time bound manner.
Dr K Vijaya Karthikeyan IAS, Joint Managing Director, TNUHDB delivered Special Address.
L Rajaraman, Income Tax Officer, & Sh K Sendhil Kumar, Income Tax Officer delivered their address under the topics, Special Views on TDS / TCS provisions, Duties and Responsibilities of Income-tax deductors, TDS non-compliance and its consequences in a lucid manner with Power Point Presentation. During their address, special focus was made on insisting the tax deductors to deduct at higher rates of deduction of tax u/s 206AA / 206CC (non-furnishing of PAN, invalid PAN, or inoperative PAN of deductees) & u/s 206AB / 206CCA (non-furnishing of return of income by the deductees) and a special PPT was presented, on registration in the Reporting Portal to find out such Specified Persons for applicable higher rate of tax deduction / tax collection.
Smt J Janaki Karthikeyan , TDS consultant addressed the participants under topic Incometax TRACES portal and explained in detail how the income tax deductors shall carry out their duties in the TRACES portal, like, filing of quarterly statements without any mistakes, reduction of infructuous demands raised, fining out the specified persons for higher rates of deduction of tax. A Sasikumar, Inspector of Income Tax delivered vote of thanks.