Orion Mall creates an innovative way of making sure the kitchen wet waste is put to a productive use. An organic bio converter converts the entire kitchen waste into manure on a daily basis. The capacity of the biodegradable converter is 2 tons; it collects around 300kgs of wet waste and generates 75kgs of manure out of it every day. This process takes 15 days from wet waste to manure.
Orion Mall continues its tradition of driving awareness and renewing its efforts towards building a sustainable planet. As a major community hub that draws 18 million visitors each year, the mall has leveraged its ability to connect with visitors and spread the message.
Across the world, 12% of waste comprises plastics and as per the WHO up to 40% of global garbage is burnt. The burning of garbage sets off a range of toxic chemicals in to the environment causing irreparable damage to the air we breathe, while depleting the ozone layer.
While spreading awareness about critical causes like the safety of our environment is important, the mall prides itself in implementing efficient waste management practices to reduce its environmental pollution footprint.
It is a fact that malls produce massive amounts of waste. Orion Mall has gone beyond just segregating waste, taking it to a point of reuse & recycling. As a business entity, Orion Mall works on the fundamental belief that environment protection and business can go hand in hand.
The mall has successfully integrated environment friendly practices by incorporating smart waste segregation at source. A dedicated team from work tirelessly at the mall, all day to ensure optimal segregation and convert the wet/food waste to manure using an organic waste converter. The processed organic manure is used judiciously across Brigade properties for horticulture. The entire cycle from collection, segregation to conversion of garbage has become a use case in how businesses can make a vital contribution towards environmental protection through commitment.
Manu R, General Manager – Facilities & Technical Co-Ordination, Commercial, Brigade Group says “Today humanity is on the fast track of technological advancement and economic progress. A sizeable number of the population enjoys a relatively high standard of living. However, in terms of protecting the environment and serving the needs of the future, we are regressing at an alarming pace. In this scenario, we need to assess and adapt to avert an impending ecological crisis. One of the primary issues that need to be addressed in this respect is the excessive accumulation of waste as a result of human activities. As a leading commercial entity, we feel a sense of responsibility to do what we can for the greater good of the environment”