After a series of successful and houseful shows in India and USA, Ranga Vartula Theatre team stages its 25th special show of its much acclaimed theatre production VESHA on May 1st and 2nd at Rangashankara, JP Nagar, Bengaluru (7:30PM)
About the Play : The sthree vesha or female roles are performed by male actors in traditional Yakshagana. The very man who grows into the woman’s role on stage entertaining the audience is engulfed by a lot of his inner manhood complexities when he walks into life. Vesha tries to capture the transformational crisis of the man who defines the love, desire and sorrow of a woman, through her portrayal on stage and longs for her even after the curtains come down.
Cast : Nithish Sridhar & Deepti Nagendra
Troupe : Ranga Vartula
Language : Kannada
Playwright : Vikas Negolini
Direction : Nithish S
Date : 1st and 2nd May, 2018 | 7:30 PM
Venue : Rangashankara, JP Nagar, Bangalore
Contact : Nithish / 7349574448
Tickets : Rs. 150 |
Duration : 75 Minutes