10th January 2019 Bengaluru: Dr Harshad Sanghvi is chief medical officer of Jhpiego (an affiliate of John Hopkins Hospital) has been consistently emphasizing the need to be innovative in providing healthcare.
He spoke today (January 10th, 2019) at the AICOG 2019 (All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists) under Amadeus Shreyas Oration on ‘Driving Quality into Healthcare’.
Giving care in low-resource settings and low-tech solutions for early detection of any complications and intervention, is Dr Sanghvi’s mantra.
He says, “we must ensure that the fullest potential of skilled professional care is realized by ensuring the rights of health care providers to be trained for the job they expected to perform, to a work environment that is supportive and to be motivated by being provided a living wage.”
According to him “women’s lives can be saved with evidence-based interventions and the will to implement them from home to hospital. With what we know and the work we’ve done, no woman should have to die giving life.”
Dr Sanghvi feels that access to emergency obstetric surgery is critical for both maternal and newborn survival. Surgical care can be safely taken to most remote and rural settings. Preventive surgery saves lives and makes economic sense.
He sought focus on clinical governance. The good doctor advised the hospitals to have a dashboard of clinical governance and also conduct emergency drills to save lives.
Dr Sanghvi said the regime of clinical governance requires constant attention and strategic leadership. He also touched on topics like spurious medicines, which hits the credibility of healthcare sector.
The doctor from USA emphasised the importance of training and equipping the team.
“Experts speak” sessions at AICOG 2019 is an opportunity for more than 10,000 delegates to hear from leading experts from India and other parts of the world. There were debates, discussions, agreements and disagreements on a variety of issues related to women’s healthcare.