2 FEB 2019 INDIA Simultaneous drawing with both left and right hand is an extraordinary difficult art skill not ever done before in colored hyper-realism. Former child prodigy and hyper photorealistic drawing artist Rajacenna, now has immortalized both Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez at the same time in two exceptional colored pencil drawings. Ambidexterity Rajacenna has a skill that geniuses like Albert Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci also possessed. Ambidexterity or two dexterity is a rare phenomenon. Approximately 1 percent of the people has a natural form of ambidexterity. Being able to draw with both hands simultaneously is already exceptional. Drawing two total different drawings with both left and right hand at the same time is even more extraordinary. Drawings of this kind of hyper photorealism master level might be called inconceivable. She never exercised this incredible skill. Rajacenna's eyes are often compared with a photo camera. Her doctor once said: "her brain has to calculate very complicated processes before sending that information to her hands". As teenager one of the best artists in the world Without ever having had any former training, Rajacenna became worldwide known when she was a teenager (2009) with drawings which are not to distinguish from a photo. She suddenly belonged amongst the best artists in the world. In 2009 'Pencil Ninja', as journalists call Rajacenna, was amongst the first few artists who set the art trend to draw celebrities with pencil and video tape the process for the internet. Soon after that she appeared in many Dutch tv programs, worldwide magazines, newspapers, on the radio and on Japanese tv. At the age of 17 she already belonged to the 400 most inspiring women and did she receive the 'Born to lead' Award from CosmoGirl. Justin Bieber In 2011 Justin Bieber's record company asked her to the give him the drawing which she made of him personally. She participated in the 'Art Academy' campaign from Nintendo and a major advertising campaign of the famous Brazilian interior design company Mosarte She was featured in the Elite exhibition in the Mailbox in Birmingham England and the band Owl City, singer-songwriter Adam Young, asked her to make the promotional drawing for the time lapse video of the cover art of his album, Mobile Orchestra.
The whole process of the simultaneous drawings are to be seen in a time lapse video: https://youtu.be/EI1HL9Hv7RQ