A startup incubation centre set up by the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) was inaugurated on Monday by the Karnataka Minister for IT-BT and Skill Development Dr. Ashwath Narayan.““
This incubation centre in Bangalore is the starting point for the growth of the start-ups in the state, with the support of more and more innovative entrepreneurs and organisations, BCIC aims at spreading its horizon and set-up incubation centers in Mysuru and Dharwad. This incubation center is a collaborative program designed to help new startups succeed and help entrepreneurs solve some of the problems commonly associated with running a startup by providing workspace, seed funding, mentoring, and training. The sole purpose of this startup incubator launched by BCIC today, is to help entrepreneurs grow & nurture their business while creating and further accelerating the startup ecosystem in the country.““
Speaking at the launch, Dr. Ashwath Narayan. said private organisations such as BCIC coming forward to set up an incubation centre would be supplementary to maintain the leading position of the state in the emerging technological sphere.““
According to the minister, the National Education Policy (NEP-2020) implemented by the state would help to create the skilled human resource needed for the industry,“““
This Incubation centre aims to further the startup ecosystem in the tate by fostering Startups to scale-up to attain a competitive edge”, he explained.““
Mr K R Sekar, President, BCIC, says, ‘The incubation centre will fuel the startup culture in India’s silicon valley. This start-up incubation centre will encourage young entrepreneurs, innovators, incubators, funding entities to serve a bigger purpose. Startup ecosystem has been a pivotal part of direct and indirect jobs, and it is essential that there are proper trainings, research facilities to nurture the startup ecosystem in the country. To facilitate entrepreneurs to connect for sharing ideas, knowledge, experience and facilities for the development of new products and services.’