Mumbai, Maharashtra, India: Tata Starbucks Private Limited announced the launch of the ‘Meet Me at Starbucks’ campaign to celebrate its 150th store milestone in India. Accompanying the celebratory launch is a heartwarming video that captures real moments of human connection – where customers come for coffee, stay for the warm and welcoming environment, and return for genuine human connection.
Tata Starbucks has embarked on its long-term journey to create true moments of connection and an unparalleled Third Place Experience since 2012, when it opened its first store in India.
“Every day, millions of customers visit us, not just for our coffee and food but also for the warmth and sense of belonging they experience at Starbucks. With our customers, our coffee and partners at our core, we make sure everything we do lives the value of creating the perfect Third Place that celebrates human connection,” said Navin Gurnaney, ceo, Tata Starbucks Pvt. Ltd. “We are extremely pleased to mark our 150th store milestone with our new ‘Meet Me at Starbucks’ campaign. We’ve had an amazing journey in India and we are looking forward to the exciting opportunities ahead,” he added.
The ‘Meet me at Starbucks’ video pays homage to the unparalleled coffeehouse experience that Starbucks offers, bringing to life the emotional connection and the idea of millions of people gathering at Starbucks. The campaign message – “sometimes the best way to connect is to get together” – beautifully captures Starbucks core values and its role as the perfect Third Place.
It is these moments of connection that define the perfect Starbucks Experience. With the help of our 2,000 passionate partners, Starbucks is committed to strengthening customer connections and creating new ones across its 150 stores.