The BBMP Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta has instructed the BBMP officials to take up necessary measures to control the spreading of the covid-19 variant in BBMP limits by taking up joint operations with the police officials ensuring the strict enforcement of the regulations given by state government.
Addressing a virtual joint meeting held between BBMP and the police department in order to control the spreading of covid-19 in the city, the BBMP Chief Commissioner said that, in an average, there were 150-200 covid-19 cases were being registered in BBMP limits everyday. In recent 3 days, it has increased upto 250. So, it is necessarary to stop the increase of the number. With this regard, BBMP officials and Police personnel have to take up joint operations.
The regulations issued by state government must be enforced strictly. Restaurants, Pubs, Clubs should only be allowed to operate with 50% seating capacity. The personnel working there must be having RT-PCR negative certificate and they must be taken double dose vaccine against covid-19. They must comply with covid appropriate behaviors. The customers who have taken double dose vaccine-only shall be allowed, the Chief Commissioner said.
Ensure no ‘new year celebrations’ shall be arranged in public places. Public announcement regarding this must be done in the city. Actions should be taken by BBMP officials and Police against the people failing to obey covid appropriate behaviours, he added.
Avoid public gathering. Educate the people about the regulations issued by government by conducting meetings with Residents Welfare Associations, concerned pesons of Paying Guest (PGs), Hostels and markets. Instruct them to follow the rules, he said.
New year celebrations after 10 pm should not be allowed anywhere in the city. Actions should be taken if any such cases are found, the Chief Commissioner said. He also instructed the BBMP officials and Police officers to take up joint operations to check whether the covid appropriate behaviors are properly being followed or not in market places, he said.
BBMP Administrator Rakesh Singh said, “We have to have a balanced approcach towards the people and enforcement. The situation is of great concern and the enforcement of rules should be fine. Wishing a happy new year to everybody, let us start the new year with better mode with much concern.”
Speaking in the meeting, City Police Commissioner Kamal Pant said that, the night curfew after 10 pm is being enforced strictly in the city to control the spreading of covid-19. Regulations issued by government should be enforced strictly. Measures should be taken to avoid public gatherings. Ensure no bad incidents will happen in public places. Take much care about major places of such kind.
BBMP Special Commissioner (Health) Dr. Trilok Chandra, all the zonal commissioners, Additional Commissioner of Police Murugan, Additional Commissioner of Police. Soumendu Mukherjee, all the zonal joint commissioners, Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs), Chief Health Officer, all the zonal Health Officers and other concerned officials were present