Doctors at Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), Gurugram successfully treated a 23-year-old female patient from Jammu with single incision laparoscopic surgery for gallbladder stones. In Jammu, the patient developed pain in abdomen which was recurrent and severe in nature. On doing the ultrasound, the patient was diagnosed to have gallbladder stones and was advised to undergo Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy which traditionally requires four cuts in the abdomen and takes longer recovery. After several consultations in Jammu, the patient was presented at Fortis Hospital Gurugram where she successfully underwent Scarless Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy by a team of doctors lead by Dr A K Kriplani, Director & HOD, Minimal Access Bariatric and GI Surgery at Fortis Hospital, Gurugram.
Dr A K Kriplani, Director & HOD, Minimal Access Bariatric and GI Surgery at Fortis Hospital, Gurugram said, “Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) is a new and novel way of performing laparoscopic surgery. In SILS technique used at Fortis Hospital Gurugram, only a single 12 mm (½ inch) cut is made deep within the belly button. The pain is very less as it is a very small single incision and recovery is faster. Unlike multiport gallbladder surgery, no metal clips are used inside. At the conclusion, the cut is closed using special medical grade waterproof glue without any stitches. No dressing is required, and the patient can shower after 48 hours. The patient can resume their normal life in 4 to 5 days.”
Dr Kriplani in explaining the case said, “When the patient came to us, she was scared and nervous because a normal Laparoscopic Surgery involved making 4 cuts (two 12 mm and two 6 mm) on the abdomen to dissect and remove the gallbladder (multiport laparoscopy). Metal clips are also applied to disconnect the gallbladder which remain lifelong and cast artefact in CT Scan and MRI. As she was a model by profession, she was concerned over marks and disfigurement. Through proper counselling and after understanding the complete procedure, the patient successfully underwent SILS gallbladder removal and was discharged the next day. At her follow up visit on the fifth day of surgery she was beaming with joy.”
“The success of SILS depends greatly on the experience and skills of the surgeon”, said Dr Rashmi Pyasi, Additional Director Minimal Access, Bariatric & G I Surgery, FMRI. She added, “Severity of disease is an important factor. Recurrent attacks of pain, infection and delay in seeking treatment increase the difficulties of SILS. To get the advantage of SILS one must come early after the diagnosis of gallstone disease. Currently, at Fortis Hospital Gurugram, because of tremendous experience, more than 95 percent of gall bladder removals are done by SILS. Fortis Hospital, Gurugram performs the highest number of SILS gallbladder surgeries in the world. Because of the highest degree of skills and rigorous training required, very few centers have been able to establish this technique for regular use.”
The patient said, “I cannot believe that I have undergone a surgery, I do not have any marks and I am so glad that I travelled to Gurugram to get treatment from the best of the surgeons, Dr Kriplani and his team. I could resume all my work within a week, and I have got my modelling assignments back. I profusely thank the doctors for immaculate surgery and helping me.”