Aam Aadmi Party has welcomed the dismissal of ACB by the High Court and reacting to the court order, AAP State President Prithvi Reddy said that it is a victory for our long struggle of six years.
Reaching out to media, Prithvi Reddy said that when Siddaramaiah Government in 2016 curtailed the powers of the then Lokayukta to create a toothless ACB, volunteers of AAP did eight day Satyagraha. Further discussions by AAP delegation with the then CM did not bear any fruit. AAP had undertaken several protests to get the ACB dissolved and now the intervention of the Hon’ble HC has brought us joy by dismissing the ACB and transferring all pending cases to the Lokayukta, he said.
“Just dismissal of ACB alone is not enough; Lokayukta must get back all the powers it earlier had. However this is too much to expect with the present totally corrupt BJP government. Even though the BJP, in their election manifesto, had promised full powers to Lokayukta in the very first cabinet meeting, nothing has been done in this regard even after three years and the Lokayukta remains a handmaiden of the government” Prithvi Reddy said.
“The job of the government is being done by the High Court. Both BJP and Congress are two faces of the same coin, which only support corruption and are least interested in giving good governance. At least now the office of the Lokayukta must get fortified and we should get a system which will ensure prompt punishment to corrupt officials and politicians” said Prithvi Reddy.